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Genomes of Koban culture bearers shed light on the ethnogenesis of the modern population of the Caucasus

European University researchers Artem Nedoluzhko and Fyodor Sharko as lead authors have published an article in the prestigious international journal European Journal of Human Genetics (Q1, impact factor: 5.2). Together with Russian colleagues, they analyzed nuclear DNA from the remains of five representatives of the Koban archaeological culture.

European University scientists assess the role of hybridization in evolution

Artem Nedoluzhko, Director for Development of the Laboratory of Paleogenomics of the European University, and a group of researchers from Russian and Norwegian scientific institutions have published an article in the international journal Frontiers in Genetics (Q2, impact factor: 4.772). The work is devoted to the study of the role of intergeneric hybridization and its adaptive potential for evolution.